Wednesday 22 June 2011


Ranks High for Keywords:

25% because of its useful service(s) or resource(s) (1) (2) (3) |
12% 'cause the keywords are in its page content (4) (5) |
5%: It has frequent, bigger than normal, honest updates (6) (7) |
5%: A good amount of its incoming links are on quality webpages (8) |
5%: Its webmaster works on SEO priorities found in this web site |
5%: Its domain name looks superior in its theme |
2%: The meta title tag of page coming up is (or has used) keyword phrase being searched (9) (10) (11) |
2%: There are relevant keyword(s) in its own web addresses |
2%: Its links in SERPs continually get more good clicks than others (12) |
2%: It has natural new BackLinks (13) (14) (15) |
2%: 3+ of its navigation links are within, above or on left of main content table row & column |
2%: It is not in big crosslinking or link farm penalties |
2%: It has minimal outbound links not working (16) |
2%: Its minimal usage of other unethical SEO (17) |
2%: 75%+ of its BLs are on relevant pages (18) (19) |
2%: It has a continual good engine algorithm score (20) |
2%Most its pages have good hypertext-matching (21) |
2%: It has minimal outbound links to bad (PR 0) indexes (22) |
1.5%: It contains many hyperlinks to its web pages (15) |
1.5%: It uses other ethical SEO |
1.5%: It has no pop-ups |
1.5%: It has a minimal amount of images (23) |
1.5%: Its BL placements are closer to top of page than normal |
1.5%: It has many of its own inside pages |
1%: Its webmaster minimizes its HTML byte amount (23) |
1%: Its welcome page hyperlinks to its site map |
1%: Its images' byte size are smaller than normal (23) |
1%: A fair amount of its pages have a good description meta tag |
0.75%: Its images have an alt tag (24) (25) |
0.75%: 75%+ of its BLs were built ethically (26) (27) |
0.75%: It has normal server uptime (28) |
0.5%Other factors that keep it fast (23) (29) (30) |
0.5%: 95%+ of its pages contain under 100 links (31) |
0.5%: 75%+ of all its BLs point to 1 of its link version (w/ or w/out www.) |
0.25%: It hosts most of its images (32) |
0.25%: Its content heading's font is large (33) |
0.25%: Its url's age is older than normal |
0.25%: Each page has a good author meta tag (34) |
0.25%: It is on a fast hosting server (23) |
0.25%: Each of its pages are being pointed to with ok amount of different BL titles |
0.25%: Its webmaster validates its HTML (35) |
0.25%: It has some bold keywords in its content |
0.25%: Some of its hyperlinks have a title tag (36) (37) |
0%: Its pages use the keyword meta tag (38) |
100% effective organic SEO! (39) |

Eight above percentages (in bolddirectly relate to good incoming links, making up 14% of the Ratios.

(1) 3+ inside pages containing good content is required |
(2) Thy Site Usefulness & Checklist #1 offers SEO tips on new content |
(3) A Thin Affiliate Site with no value-added content is probable engine penalty |
(4) Keyword stuffing is a penalty: Matt Cutts Interview |
(5) Thy Checklist #2 has SEO tips on keywords |
(6) Google knows a site's amount of updated html |
(7) Thy Checklist #5 helps. Small updates are safe |
(8) Exact keyword phrases must be used as its BL titles |
(9) Required on all pages - goes between <head> </head> tags |
(10) Other people mostly use the meta title when building natural backlinks |
(11) Meta titles highly relevant to page content are a must, to avoid a possible engine penalty |
(12) Found searching for " keyword," visiting url in 161-170 results, then 1 more click @ digg |
(13) 30% to most new BLs should point to inside pages |
(14) Thy SEO Checklist #4 is helpful |
(15) Linking its web page to its 1 other web page = 1/2 of a BL |
(16) Removing all broken links every 4 months is required |
(17) Google Webmaster Guidelines & Yahoo Indexing & Ranking helps |
(18) Less than 50% relevant BLs is probable engine penalty |
(19) 50 max irrelevant BLs are factored-in per site that has your same link title on each of its pages |
(20) Past above-average scores have likelihood of continuing |
(21) Google's Technology Overview helps |
(22) 3rd bullet under Quality guidelines - basic principles near bottom |
(23) Keeps a site fast for happy users & search engine robots |
(24) Looks like: <img src="seotips.gif" alt="SEO Tips"|
(25) Google Chrome web browser shows alt words only if image is not working, not on mouse-over |
(26) Only BLs (not including crosslinks & link farms) built by its own webmaster are factored-in |
(27) Less than 50% ethical BLs is probable engine penalty |
(28) 7+ consecutive hours of server downtime is bad, with crosslinked sites |
(29) Google recommends using Mozilla Firefox Web Browser & Firebug add-on |
(30) Google Webmaster Help's "Site Performance" 3:30 into video |
(31) Google's Design and content guidelines did say "100 max," now it's "a reasonable number" |
(32) Keeps web site speed contingent on 1 server |
(33) Examples: <h1>, <big> |
(34) Authors in the public eye should be more trustworthy |
(35) Webmaster Help's "Why Doesn't Google Validate" shows it's not a priority |
(36) Looks like: <a href="" title="SEO Tips"|
(37) On mouse-over, some browsers don't show url in bottom Status Bar |
(38) Google's Matt Cutts 2:51 into video: Keywords Meta is not used |
(39) Scott's Email, to help refine the above ratios |

The above reasoning is Scott Coplen's guesstimations using 8 years experience in SEO work.

SEO Tip: Here is a June, 2010 Matt Cutts video on Signals Used in Ranking.

If you want to make good use of your time, you've got to know what's most important and then give it all you've got. - Lee Iacocca

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. - Proverbs 3:5
SEO Benefits:

Motivation Images1. A good webmaster will cultivate work habits that createuseful content. Over time, a site should have naturalbacklinks being built continuously.

2. It helps a webmaster to do the things that buildsemi-natural backlinks quickly, a difficult thing to continuously achieve.

3. It cleans up a website, making it more user friendly.

4. It causes good webmasters to cultivate an ethical mind set. In turn, there should be more of anappreciation for righteous things.

5. It creates attention to helping engine programmers recommend useful sites.

6. It causes an increase in profits. In turn, webmasters can meet goals for money making.

However, some people may not see income as a priority. "After a certain point, money is meaningless. It ceases to be the goal. The game is what counts." - Aristotle Onassis

7. It makes a site more popular through high organic rankings. Webmasters get to experience serving others on a large scale.

8. It gives webmasters an advantage over those who do not work at SEO. Websites are more likely to be popular than others, over a long period of time.

9. It helps keep a site fresh, through updates, causing more return visitors.

Reviewing benefits of SEO should motivate webmasters to work.


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